Sunday, June 27, 2004

Ups And Downs

Yesterday was a pretty good day. In the morning, I looked at all the dishes that still needed to be done, at the floors that needed to be vacuumed, at the toys that needed to be picked up, at the stove that needed to be cleaned. And I decided that it was time for a walk LOL. So I grabbed the baby in the sling and did a nice, vigorous neighborhood walk. Much better for me than doing all the housework, right? It felt good, and Sylvia almost enjoyed it too. If she hadn't slept all the way, that was :-)

Harvested some more spinach, but didn't do much household stuff. Ended up making a greek spinach frittata at night, yummy! And had another walk at night, a nice long one, with just Sylvia, and one of my friends. The walking was nice, the rest of the day wasn't as good, but going to just ignore that for now.

Today was rainy, which was nice for the garden, not so nice for my mood. I decided to skip the farmer's market, just didn't feel like going there in the rain. So it stopped raining soon after making that decision, but didn't want to revert it again, since the kids all had found other things to do.

I was going to bake and cook all kinds of things today, but life kept getting in the way, so I just baked bread, made donuts, and made soup. I did get the rhubarb cut for rhubarb bread, but did not actually get the rhubarb bread baked though. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. My dinner plans were pretty elaborate, but got less and less the later it got, ended up with just a simple 'whatever I can find in the fridge' soup.

Tonight, the older kids went to a movies night at a friend's house. Tim had gotten some Dungeons and Dragons miniatures for his belt testing, was extremely happy about them. One was a cool dragon, and he insisted on taking it to the movie night. I told him about the risk of losing it / breaking it, but he still wanted to take it. We had been there for about 15 minutes and he had lost it already. I felt so bad for him. I actually was in tears on my way home, I just felt so lousy that he lost this very special miniature. Oh, and I drove a bit too fast too, and there was a police car doing speed checks, but I guess 8 miles over wasn't enough to be chosen, phew. I felt so emotionally unstable, crying about a stupid dragon. Had some other crying episodes too, geez!

When they came home, it turned out that Tim had found his dragon again. I was very happy to hear that. I knew that this dragon wasn't a big thing in the big picture, but I know it was big to him, and very important, and that he would have been devastated if he had permanently lost it.

I lost it again at night, when Kate kept whining about which cup she wanted or not wanted for her water. My tolerance for whining and kids frustration clearly was a lot lower than usual. I definitely was not the nice, calm, and understanding mom that I would have wanted to be.

Sylvia is doing great though, today she even was willing to sleep away from me for a bit. Of course, that meant that I actually had to do things, instead of sitting and holding her. Oh well :-)

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