Friday, August 04, 2006

Adventures with Milk

Today, I made yet another dump run before going grocery shopping. I didn't have a lot, but still enough to cover most of the floor of the trunk. I had forgotten that my van was cleaned out though, so there were some bolt sticking out in the floor. Totally oblivious of that, I put the bag with the milk on top of it. Totally oblivious, I open the door of the van. To be greeted by a shower of milk. It was dripping and streaming and everywhere.

What a mess! Erik was in heaven, he spent the rest of the afternoon pouring milk over himself, the driveway and everywhere. Kate was not as impressed, watch how she runs away from the mess.


Lana said...

Oh no! I know we're not supposed to cry over it but I hate spilt milk. It's sticky and means I have to buy more all the sooner!

Annelies said...

Jij geeft een nieuwe betekenis aan het aloude "Melk, de witte motor"...

Anonymous said...

milk powder? ^_^

Brooke said...

That is a great picture, even if the milk spilled everywhere :)