Tuesday, July 25, 2006

More Trash

Fifty six bags and counting, woohoo!! Did another trash run this morning. Only a few bags, but it included an old, broken microwave and two sucky chairs. Two chairs which basically would fall apart every few weeks or months, only to be put together again, over and over. At some point I was so tired of them, that I put them in the basement, hoping I would never have to see them again. They matched well with all the other things there.

Today, I found them again, and decided to immediately put them in the back of my car to get rid of them. Now! Did I mention how good it feels to get rid of all of the old crap?

This seems to be a good time to post progress pics, so that Annelies can be happy ^^. Or should I call them lack-of-progress pics? This is one of those projects where you don't really see much of a difference until you are 75 % into the project. I go around and find things to put in my garbage bags, but there are still so many stacks left. They might be smaller, but hard to see that.

This was a few days ago, so more progress has been made. We still have a long way to go, but at least we are moving along. As you might be able to see on the pics, kids have been having fun playing with all the legos which are down there.


Annelies said...

Allemachtig wat een enorme kelder!! Ik snap dat je daar een tijd mee bezig bent. En warempel een oerhollandse AH-tas op de voorgrond ;-))

Unknown said...

LOL, had de AH tas niet gezien (als AH tas) tot je dat zei. De laatste keer dat we in Nederland woonden en zo'n tas hadden kunnen krijgen was in 1998. Om je een beetje idee te geven hoe oud dat al moet zijn (minstens :)


Lana said...

wow, it's getting clearer can clearer!