Thursday, January 24, 2008

Love Thursday is Back!

Love Thursday has found a new home at shuttersisters.

I knew immediately which picture I wanted to share this time.

Cees and Sylvia in the new room. And even although they aren't in the picture, it also shows Tara, Jane's and my friend's love, since they were the ones doing all the work.

Happy Love Thursday! May your days be filled with love and positive energy.


Lana said...

sweet picture!

My dad's favorite is rice pudding, I'll have to make some for him.

I hope Tara and Jane are having fun.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful picture!

I'm so glad Love Thursday is back! I'll have to remember for next Thursday.

We made Rice Pudding today, too. Or, er, BG made it with my instructions. MG added chocolate syrup to hers.

Sounds like a great trip for Tara & Jane!