Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Me 'So Erik... Tell me three fun things which happened at school today.'
Erik without missing a breath 'Recess, lunch and coming home!'


Notwithstanding what you could extrapolate from that answer, he does seem to be enjoying school and is happily writing reports about mice and reading about jaguars and tigers.

Hmmm, maybe I should give him a few of our pet mice to take to school tomorrow, to complement his writing about mice. Wouldn't it too bad if they escaped from their cage in the middle of the classroom?
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Annelies said...

Dan is het iig niet saai op school ;-)

Hier nog eentje die elke dag roept dat het "SAAI!!" was, maar wel elke ochtend al staat te trappelen om te vertrekken naar school.

Unknown said...

Ja, vandaag vertelde hij dat school geweldig was omdat er Magic Treehouse books zijn.

Ik weet dat ik nooit mijn ouders wilde vertellen wat ik op school had gedaan, dus misschien word ik daarvoor terugbetaald ^^


Anonymous said...

What a nice glossy black coat Eric has. Why are there tigers at his school though?