Monday, September 03, 2007

Dutch Bliss

They are here!

Not only are they here, but they brought Dutch delicacies. Dropjes, hagelslag, and spekjes. Here a picture of all the kids enjoying the Dutch treats.

Here is a close up of the hagelslag, chocolate sprinkles to be eaten on a slice of bread. A Dutch staple.

We are having a good time, it is nice to spend time with my family. Today we went to Mount Washington, but I haven't even downloaded the pics yet.


Wendy said...

Lovely capture of everyone smiling!

Me said...

I had no idea you ate your chocolate sprinkles on bread. Hmmm.

I also used chocolate sprinkles this weekend, but I put them on top of my sons birthday cake. ;)

Anonymous said...

en why do we call hagelslag as ... 'muisjes'?