Friday, December 28, 2007

I Found a Floor!

Today is 'digging out from christmas chaos' day. I started with the kitchen, and made the table usable again. Then I started on the living room, which looked like someone exploded a toy store and a candy store in there. Or at the least, a candy wrapper store. This all generously supplemented by crushed cheerios and half eaten apples.

Don't you wish you lived at my house? I didn't either, so I decided to find the floor.

Did I mention I don't like cleaning? Just checking. Neither do my kids, so they were not very thrilled to have to help anyway. I felt that I could as well share the misery, it IS the holiday season after all.

The good news is that I did eventually found the living room floor AND vacuumed it. It almost looks good now. At least if you ignore all the clutter magnets around it. Some day, I'll deal with all the stacks of mail. Some day... Maybe next year.


Anonymous said...

Your kittens are just like your kids. They are cute, curious, laid back, and enjoy hanging out together. They found the perfect family! Happy New Year :-)

Claire in FL

Unknown said...

Thank you, claire.

Yes, the kittens are perfect and somehow fit very well in our family ^^


FLmom7 said...

LOL, I'm glad you found the floor! You sound like you love cleaning as much as I do. So much fun, isn't it?