Friday, March 02, 2007

Quote of the Day

Me, to the teens 'There is a homeschool field trip to the Crucibles play in a few weeks. Would you like to go?'
Sylvia 'I want to come!!!'
Me 'Um... You are not quite a teen yet.'
Sylvia 'Yes, I AM!'
Cees 'I am not sure whether I want to go, it is a PLAY!'
Me 'Your friends will be going'
Cees 'Hmm'
Me 'And the GIRLS will be going!'
Cees, still not convinced 'Hmm'
Sylvia perks up 'I am a girl!'
Sylvia 'Only one girl will be going.'
Cees 'Yes? Which girl will be going?'
Sylvia 'ME!!'

The joys of toddlers growing up too fast.


Anonymous said...

oh cool I just noticed the "new" archives. Its fun to read about you before I met you lol. Cees looks almost right unlike that new person he has become :-)

umm Sylvia is very cute too. Another smart blondie!

Me said...

Sylvia always gives me a morning smile over coffee.