Thursday, March 22, 2007

Love is...

Taking a shower with your youngest daughter.

Sylvia used to take showers with me a lot when she was a baby. Over time, she came to prefer taking baths with Erik and/or Kate. I guess I was too boring for her.

The last week, she has gotten back to taking showers with me. (Or by herself: 'You GO mama! I will shower by myself!') Yesterday, she was in the shower with me and she molded her body to my body, totally relaxed and enjoying the warm water on us. It brought me back to the days when she was a newborn. The total and unconditional love. The just sitting and enjoying each other, no talking needed. The feeling of a warm and perfect little body in my arms.

We sat like that for a bit and then she sat upright and said 'I yuv you, mama!' My heart melted.

Happy Love Thursday! May your lives be full of love and happiness.


dillyweed said...

Showers with your little ones are so sweet. (ok, until it gets super slippery and they slide all over the place). :)
Happy Love Thursday!

Anonymous said...

lucky for write the blog comments,i should the first reader but... how is gentle and fragrant pic i like it

brother ang

Me said...

Brought a smile to my face remembering showers with my 'baby'. It's so hard to hold them when they are so slippery though! LOL.

LOVE how the photo caught the water droplets in mid air!!!!

bonggamom said...

I love, love, love your photo and love, love, love the topic! Bathing with babies is such a wonderful way to bond. The water is warm and soothing as your love :) My kids still love showering with me at 3,3 and 5 -- don't know how long that will last!

PastormacsAnn said...

What a sweet photo and post. Really brings back memories. Happy LT.

Kara said...

How beautiful.

Alice the Brit said...

I agree with bongga mon all 4 of mine used to take showers with me for the first [up to] 4 years of their lives and your memories brought those memories flooding back in again and the "I yuv you mamma" at the end well it just made for a perfect ending - metled my heart too.

it's the simple moments like that that make life and being a mother so joyful :)