Monday, March 26, 2007

Happy Birthday, Kate!

Today was Kate's birthday. It is eight years ago that she was born in an inflatable kiddie pool in her brother's room.

It is eight years ago that we tried every trick under the sun to finally get her out of my nice and cozy womb.

It is eight years ago that we were getting ready for a trip to the Netherlands to get green cards, we just needed this baby out first. She was supposed to be born on my birthday, but, like all my babies, was very tardy.

She is a very spunky 8yo, with a mouth that never stops talking.

She had a great day, including a candle saying 'Over the hill, too old to count' , which she chose because of 'This is funny! Just like the teletubbies, Over the hill and far away, Teletubbies come to play'. Who could disagree with a reasoning like that? ^^

Her biggest hit present was a Strawberry Shortcake Dance Revolution mat for the tv. Cees's reaction to it: 'This is disturbing...'


li ang (lyonweiqi) said...

happy birthday dear kate!!!

your uncle Li Ang from schweiZ

Mosaica said...

Hey Kate, you look so happy! Yay :-)

happy Happy HAPPY birthday!


Jody said...

Happy Birthday Kate!

Karen, I can't believe she is 8 already!

Annelies said...

Happy birthday to you, Kate!

Me said...

"This is disturbing..." Made me laugh out loud. Such a group of kids you have there! :)

Happy Birthday Kate - the girl with the beautiful name.

Katherine said...

Happy Birthday Kate. I remember reading her birth story years ago. Hard to believe she is eight.

Lana said...

happy Birthday Kate~!

Anonymous said...

Kate, the cake is beautiful and I don't think it was an accident that the some of the colors are pink and purple and it has such lovely decorations! Did you pick it out? ;-) Looks like you had a special birthday celebration. love,