Friday, April 16, 2010

Climbing to the Cache

No hiking this time, just a lot of climbing.


Erik and Sylvia loved the location and the climbing part.


They both spotted the cache at the same time, so that was perfect.


Right next to the cache there were these rocks. When we arrived at the location I wondered whether we had to climb those and was not sure whether we would be up to it. Glad the real climb was easier ^^

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Anonymous said...

Why do your girls always look like you don't own a hairbrush? I would be embarassed to post pictures of my children if they always looked like that. Do you let them go to school looking like that too?
And yes, I too have seven children, four girls and three boys.

Mosaica said...

Hi Anon,

I'm a friend of this family, and all the lovely kids. Families, and people, come in all shapes and sizes, and different folks prioritize different things. This family prioritizes spending good times, often outdoors, and becoming more loving people. To tell a mom that she should be embarrassed by her kid's hair, gosh, it makes me a little embarrassed for you. Do you need a hug?