Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Wednesday -> Large Families Day!

Joining Chris, Carmen, Kim, owlhaven, and Chuck in talking about all the rude comments we get about having more than 2.5 kids. Years ago, I compiled a bunch of them into the Large Families FAQ. It was a lot of fun putting it together, and I often do use comebacks from it.

A few days ago, I read a new one for the 'Are they all from the same father???' question I sometimes get. 'Yes, they are, but we are still waiting for the DNA results to see whether I am the mother.' Can't wait to use it ^^

The rudest I have gotten is the 'Are you insane or what???' from a stranger at the swimming pool. I sweetly smiled at him and said 'Yes.' I wish I could tell you how he carefully backed away from me, but I have to admit that he just kept standing there, with his mouth hanging open.

I have gotten the 'I hope this is a daycare', in a voice which implied that it would be horrible if it wasn't. Now my kids all look pretty much like siblings, so I think it could not have come as much of a surprise when I told them it wasn't.

And there is the inevitable 'Wow, you have your hands full' even when I have only half of the kids with me. I usually just nod and smile, I don't feel that this is meant to be rude, usually people are genuinely surprised and impressed that I go grocery shopping with four, five, or more kids.

It is fun when I am out with my own seven and one or two extras. People will ask the 'Are they all yours???' and I can sweetly point to the one dark haired one and say 'No, she isn't'. Leaving them to digest the fact that I just implied that the other '1, 2, 3, 6, SEVEN!!' must be mine. Often they are still convinced that I must be joking. I mean, seven kids, come on, that just doesn't happen anymore in this day and age.

I get some rude comments, but I get lots of nice comments too. The 'Your kids are so well behaved!'. Which makes me wonder whether they are mixing me up with someone else. Or the 'You are blessed!', often stated wishfully by older ladies. I always smile and agree. For me, the nice comments far outnumber the rude ones, but there definitely have been quite a few rude ones.

To finish this post I'll share some funny ones I have gotten.
  1. 'OMG! Do you clone your kids???'
  2. Wow!!!! An invasion of the Vikings!!!' (at the farmer's market)


Anonymous said...

Geweldig je laatste log!
Ik heb zitten genieten van al die commentaren en jou reactie hierop!!!
Jammer dat we je niet meer op de lijst zien, maar je hebt het natuurlijk veels te druk om al die mensen van het juiste wederwoord te voorzien!! *grijns*

Alice the Brit said...

LOL- I get comments with 'onloy' 4 kids, so I can imagine how many you get... I loved the "yes" to the "are you insane?" comment!!!!

Annelies said...

Haha... ja sommige mensen zijn nogal grof: "Zo, hij heeft m ook niet met pissen versleten!" of "Weet je niet dat er pilletjes voor zijn?"

De ergste vond ik zelf toen ik nét zwanger was van Juul: "Ben je er blij mee dan? Het is toch zeker wel een ongelukje??"

Jody said...

Loved this post. I like the insane comment too.

Spring is here, Karen.....time for a road trip! Texas needs some caches discovered and my kids would love to enlist your kids in finding some elusive salamanders and newts in the forests areound here!

Annalise said...

LOL about the Viking invasion comment :-)