Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Eve

Yes, I am a bit behind posting wise, I blame the holidays, ok? And I blame Dawn for pushing me to post tonight instead of just mindless web surfing after eating too many oliebollen.

One of our neighbours brought over many Christmas goodies, including this bread. I feel very blessed with my neighbours!

Did I mention we had a white Christmas?

Snow ball fights are so much fun!

Sylvia left a note for Santa telling him where to put the presents. Since Santa is getting older, it is nice to have a reminder of things like these.

The kids insisted on leaving Santa some beer too. It was all gone in the morning, I hope it boosted his productivity.

At least they didn't leave him 'cute lady pictures' this year.


veganbaby said...

LOL! I remember the pictures from last year.

Anonymous said...

I love their expressions! Kate is awesome.

Happy New Year!