Monday, February 25, 2013

Visiting The White House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two years ago we saw the White House from the outside, but never managed to make it in. To be able to tour it, you have to contact your senator a few months in advance and hope you get a tour ticket. Last time I didn't know we were even going until a few weeks before we left, so no White House tickets for us.


This time we knew longe in advance that the trip was coming up and my friend was organized enough to get us tickets! So cool! She clearly is way more organized than I am. Granted, that is not hard, but I still admire her ^^.

We had it all planned out, what time to leave from the hotel, which parking garage to park, everything.

Of course the best laid plans of men and mice...

We got lost. We were stuck in traffic. We got lost again. We couldn't find a spot in the parking garage. There was much whining and gnashing of teeth and doomsday thinking.


But we did eventually find a spot in the deepest depths of the garage. We did run to the White House where we went through many security checkpoints to get in. We did it!!!!!!!!

I loved seeing all the rooms, all the furnitures, all the pictures, all the wallpapers. I enjoyed hearing the stories told by the security guards. We relished knowing that we were in the house of the POTUS. We were surrounded by a feeling of history and continuity. We walked on the same floors many presidents before us had walked. We breathed the same air they breathed!


Anyway, it was a super cool experience and I am grateful that my friend is so much more organized than I am :D
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1 comment:

Elaine said...

I'd love to visit the white House! I'm glad you had such a great trip.