Friday, April 27, 2012

Butterflies, Bonsai and Life


The free flying butterflies was one of my favorite expositions in Montreal. I wasn't sure till when it would go on, but it turned out we planned our vacation just in time.


Now that we are back from vacation, life is busy as usual. So many moving parts, all whirling around to get everyone to the right place at the right time. I sooooooo feel like a taxi driver!


The good news is that I started gardening, even although it was only one good day that I had time to do so, and now the temperature has dropped back down to polar levels. Today I briefly considered doing some digging for my vegetable bed, but the moment I stepped outside and froze my butt off, I changed my mind. I want spring!


On another good note, I started meditating again. Baby step meditating. Starting with 10 minutes, increasing it by a minute a day. Well, that is the days that I actually have time to meditate, but that is one of those common issues. The more I need to meditate, the less time I have for it. Still, I try to celebrate the times when I do it, instead of beating myself up over the days that I don't.


I have even started bread baking again! For quite a while, with the house on the market, it was just too much, to keep up Perfection At All Times and be a kick-@ss breadbaker was more than I could handle. But it looks like we are not going to move after all, so I can feel the pressure falling off me and I have time and energy for important things like bread making.


Yesterday I made my very first ever garlic naan, since my girls are totally addicted to those. It was ok, but not sublime, so will have to work more on that. I just took any old recipe on line and made a quick naan with short cuts, will have to do some more research and experimenting to make a good one. Still, it was nice to have our very own garlic naan. Even if it disappeared pretty fast, but that is the nature of anything bread related in our house.


I even restarted a compost pile, which makes me feel totally green and environmentally correct. And it will be nice to put on the garden, that is if I get those veggie beds dug out. I am sure it will be spring some day soon!


The kids were impressed by the bonsai in Montreal, which made me wonder whether we should start bonsai at home, but it didn't take long for my common sense to kick in and realize that that might be more than I want to take on right now. A vegetable garden will be just fine instead.


Will try to catch up soon, but no promises. Life has a way of happening when I try to get things done :p

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