Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Before the Storm

We have had less snow than usual in December, but tomorrow we are finally getting a real snow storm. While waiting for that one sharing some of our earlier December snow pictures.


First we got a tiny bit of snow, but of course Sylvia still wanted to go out sledding. Yes, wearing a helmet.


The kids were really hoping for a snow day, but the only thing they did get was a two hours delay in the morning.


Kate and Jane still managed to miss the school bus, even when it arrived two hours later than usual :p


The next day we got a bit more snow so at least the sledding was more effective.


And they finally could make a snow man!


At the top of a BIG rock in our front yard.


One day of good snow, but the next day we had rain and it disappeared again!


Oh, you wonder why the snow man was at the top of the rock? Well, that was so that they could push him off... My kids clearly have read way too much Calvin and Hobbes!


Now kicking the kids to bed and then waiting for the storm to hit us.


The forecast says 12 to 18 inches of heavy snow tomorrow. I am glad I did my grocery shopping today! And the kids are annoyed that this will not get them a snow day because it is vacation already!

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