Saturday, August 29, 2009


Did I mention lately how I love the fact that my kids are old and capable enough to take over part of the cooking responsibilities?


And that Dawn has evolved into an excellent chef? She made this pizza totally from scratch while I was at aikido training. It is great to come home to dinner being made.


She made one veggie pizza for her and me, and cheese ones for the rest. Just imagine the horror if the others would find any vegetables on their pizza!


Kate gave her the highest possible praise 'This is just as good as the pizza we get at the pizzeria! So much better than the frozen ones from the supermarket!' I agreed with her, although I secretly pondered that the pizzeria has the sexy guys handling and shaping the dough, which we do miss out on by making our own. I guess she isn't at the age yet when she would appreciate that particular aspect of the pizzeria...

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