Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Love Thursday

For a variety of reasons, today was a hard day for me, but I felt very supported when a good friend handed this to me.

It was just the uplifting thing I needed to get through the rest of the day. When she gave it, I held it in my hand for a while, relishing in the love behind this small token. I showed it to my kids and my friends, and they all admired it, or at least faked admiration very well.

I came home, and got out my deer necklace (thank you again, Jody!) and wore both my deer necklace and my love token the rest of the day. I am still wearing them, and basking in the love surrounding me.

May your lives be filled with love like ours is. Happy Love Thursday!


Epijunky said...

What a precious gift you received today...

You made my heart smile, Karen :)

Ursula said...

I love that it's simple things that friends do that can have such a big impact.

For me yesterday it was a kind word from a friend to my husband, and they have a very prickly relationship. That simple sentence made me cry not because of our current situation, but that regardless of their issues she still held out her love to him.

Hope things look up for you. I'm sorry for whatever it is you are going through.

Hope you find a Happy Love Thursday

Jody said...

(tears) Oh Karen. Thank you. I am so very pleased that it can bring you comfort and joy now.

Love to you and yours!