Monday, April 30, 2007

Fun in the Rain

Today was gray and rainy, but Sylvia didn't care.
She played in the sandbox

Walked around in the backyard

Played with water

She had a great time. She showed that rain doesn't have to depress people, it is not always bad to be outside in the rain. I followed her example and did sword katas outside for a while, it felt good, even with the rain.

Later, Sylvia played dress-up as a cat and had fun indoors too.

Lesson of the day: don't let rain prevent you from spending time outside, it still can be lovely.


li ang (lyonweiqi) said...

mouse or cat? what animal?



Me said...

My kids love rain. They have always asked to go outside and walk or play in it. My 16 year old still does!

Jody said...

I just love seeing pictures of your kids.

Sylvia is just squeezillyicious.