Sunday, September 30, 2018

California Sunset and Great Family Memories

This month my top tweet was a picture of a sunset we took when we were in Carlsbad last year, visiting family.

Beautiful sunset over the Pacific

It was a great time when we got to visit our Californian family and hang out with them. The internet is nice to stay connected, phones are great, pictures are awesome, but the best connections really are when you are together in reality. Every time I see the sunset picture I remember the good times we had. 

Tom and Karen with Pacific in the background

I can't wait to get back there early next year!


Unknown said...

Aren't sunsets extraordinary? Especially when you are in a mountaintop or a beach or a fantastic city. Photo was beautiful!

Karen Lanzetta from OurCarpeDiem said...

Thank you! Yes, I am a huge fan of sunsets!

Unknown said...

Waiting impatiently...