Thursday, May 03, 2007

Love is ...

Buying beading supplies for your girls, even if you don't really need more clutter or want more tiny objects all over your house.

But you have read Rachel's blog and know they would love doing it. (thanks for your advice, Rachel)

And you have a sister who is willing to get your girls started on it.

So you let go of yet another 'not in my house!' rule and watch them enjoy themselves.

They made wonderful creations.

And this is a picture supposedly showing off their creations, but it's more showing off their goofiness ^^

The day got even better when a friend gave them more beautiful jewelry.

Happy Love Thursday! May your days be as filled with love as ours are.


li ang (lyonweiqi) said...

for 4 girls tall i have a guess,we will see!

jane->sylvia->kate->tara :)

what do you think? they are mother?



Annelies said...

Wat maak jij toch altijd een heerlijke foto's!

Katherine said...

Aww beads in the house. Lovely creations. Hope you have a good vacuum..LOL.

I loved your planting post too:-). How is it a 2 foot round hole can come up with so many rocks??