Just came back from a great weekend, filled with geocaches. Well, almost a weekend, it was more like a fast and furious twenty four hours. And the best thing? I went caching in Canada!
Almost two years ago, we
tried to find some Canadian caches. That trip was wholly unsuccessful. This time we did better.
I used my American passport for the very first time! It worked beautifully. It felt so good to just nonchalantly hand over my very own American passport. Still feels a bit surreal though.
On the way back, we didn't quite want to explain geocaching, so we went for a simple 'sightseeing' as what had brought us to Canada. Looking back, maybe not many people go sightseeing at 2am, which got us into this situation at the border:
Border guy 'What brought you to Canada'
Friend 'We were sight seeing'
BG 'Did you buy anything , or give something to anyone?'
Friend 'No'
BG 'So how long did you stay in Canada?'
Friend 'Not very long, we didn't enter till 4 or 5pm.'
BG wondered about our sanity, sightseeing in the dark, and was sure we must have something to hide, so he asked to open the trunk. He opened some of the bags in the back, but couldn't find what he was looking for, so fished a bit more.
'You gals were restless and decided to drive around Canada for a few hours?'
We, nodding and looking innocent 'Yes, restless we were!'
Reluctantly, he gave up on us and let us get back into the States.

In Canada, we didn't have much caching information, and it got dark soon, and it was cold, but we managed to find ten Canadian caches. Not bad at all!
One cemetery had barbed wire around it, a bit surprising. Is it to keep the inhabitants in? Is it to keep the animals out?

We found an old rickety bridge and the remains of an even older one.
We visited a beautiful cemetery next to a church.
We searched for a long time for a cache at 'l`arbre sur la roche' and couldn't find the darned thing.
We found ourselves in the middle of tens of 'ecolier' buses.
We had more DNF (Did Not Finds) than we would like to admit, but we can blame the darkness and the Canadian cache hides, right?
We stopped at many 'Arret!' signs and enjoyed trying to interpret some Canadian signs 'Don't drive your fourwheeler over our snow mobiles!'
We drove through more saintly streets than I ever see here in the US. Many holy people Canada must have!

Today we went to a geocaching event in Vermont and met old and new friends.
We introduced new geocachers to the game.
We found too many boring guard rail caches, but it did boost our numbers.
We drove on dirt roads for which the label 'road' seemed a misnomer.
We started the day with two DNFs, which is the best way to get them out of the way all at once, no?
Such a great weekend, and I came back to more painting done by the kids and my friend. Life is good!