Picking your own family, which I have done over the last few years and I love it. Sometimes I was chosen by someone to be 'adopted' as a family member, sometimes I was the one who offered. In all cases, my adopted family members have enriched my life.
I will introduce them to you in the Chinese order, like
Becci has pointed out to me. (谢谢,Becci). I have two older biological brothers who I love very much, but they live in the Netherlands, so I don't have much day-to-day contact with them.
Which makes me very happy about my new and beloved younger brother,
Ang, who I do talk to daily. He even plays go ^^ Sylvia is thrilled about him, when she sees his picture, she always tells me 'I am going to play go with him, and I will let him win!' She is so nice :D. Another funny Sylvia anecdote about him. He has an avatar on the go server, where he is playing two boards simultaneously. First time Sylvia saw it, she asked me 'Why did his goban break?' thinking it was one broken-up go board.
Locally, I have two wonderful sisters, Iliana and
Min, who came into my life via geocaching. At least, Iliana did, Min joined us about a year later when Iliana wanted to learn Chinese. They are the best sisters ever. It's amazing how great people keep showing up in my life.
My last adopted family member is an 'adopted' son Pat, who just joined the Navy. I am worried about him, worried about where he will go after boot camp :( Please send good thoughts his way. He is yet another go player, wondering how I end up with so many go players in my family.
I feel blessed with so many loving family members in addition to my biological family. I also am blessed by having many good friends who have not 'officially' been adopted, but feel very close to me.
May all your lives be filled with love as mine is. Happy
Love Thursday!
Oh, it's my birthday too, making it an even better Love Thursday ^^